Tour du lac de Salanfe


The sparkling waters of Lake Salanfe offer an idyllic setting for recreational fishing.Truite lac Salanfe
The lake is well-stocked: mountain trout, christie and rainbow trout will delight die-hard and novice fishermen alike.

Each year, the St Maurice District Fishing Club stocks the lake with 40 000 alevins.

Fishing Season: from the first Sunday in June until the last Sunday of November.

Daily fishing licences are sold at the inn for CHF 30.-.
Online :


Auberge de Salanfe
Familly Fabienne et Nicolas Marclay
Case postale 7
CH-1922 Salvan

Phone +41 27 761 14 38

Altitude : 1950 m.

Swiss Grid : 563’830 / 110’460
GPS : 32T 343135 5111859


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