The Salanfe cirque is the ideal place for a multi-day trek!

Walking with a light bag is so lovely! From the bus stop or car park, it’s only an hour and a half hike to your room or dormitory, where you can leave some of your gear. From the Auberge, it’s easy to carry only a small bag with your packed lunch and hiking gear to make the most of the awesome day hikes that Salanfe has to offer!
For all the day hikes, click here

♥ Free hiking package

With friends, family or on your own, take advantage of our all-season package, 4 days/3 nights, from CHF 220.00 full board! More info here
Promo code to use when booking online: Randos en liberté package

♥ Exclusive offer #MagicSalanfeJune

To get the season off to a good start, maybe a stay in Salanfe in June?
Book 3 nights half-board to get the last night of your stay at a discount, CHF 34 in a dormitory or CHF 59 in a double room!
Conditions: 3 consecutive nights half-board in the same accommodation from Sunday evening to Friday morning in June.
Promo code to enter when booking online: MagicSalanfeJune


Auberge de Salanfe
Familly Fabienne et Nicolas Marclay
Case postale 7
CH-1922 Salvan

Phone +41 27 761 14 38

Altitude : 1950 m.

Swiss Grid : 563’830 / 110’460
GPS : 32T 343135 5111859


Aucun élément dans l'agenda pour l'instant !