Salanfe is situated in a natural amphitheatre formed by the Dents-du-Midi, the Tour Salière, the Luisin and the Petits Perrons. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned alpinist, you’re sure to find an itinerary to suit among the vast number of hiking tours available.

On the first day: slip on your backpack for the departure from Van d’en Haut and a short climb of one and half hours to the Inn.

There are many day hikes which start from Salanfe. A brochure detailing the trails is available from the Inn.

Several major hiking routes intersect in Salanfe : le Tour des Dents-du-Midi, le Tour du Ruan, le Tour de la Vallée du Trient, le Tour des Deux Rives, le Chemin des Cols Alpins, la Via Alpina…