Luisin Circuit
A magnificent circuit which takes in the Golette and Emaney passes. The rich flora, fauna and landscapes come together to leave you with unforgettable memories.
Follow the trail which leads to Emaney pass, crossing the dam. At the site of Les Ottans (1), keep following the signs for Emaney pass. At the pass (2), cross to the mountain’s other flank and into the lovely Emaney coombe. At the junction with the Barberine pass trail which leads to Emosson lake, follow the signs in the direction of Salvan, which will bring you to Emaney alpine pasture (4) (light refreshments available). Then head in the direction of La Creusaz (5), a characteristic and attractive ‘mayen’, as the mid-altitude pastures used in spring and autumn are known. There is a cable car which arrives here from Les Marecottes and runs in season. Meals can be taken at the restaurant (6). The return to Salanfe is via the Golette pass (7), climbing between Luisin and Petits Perrons peaks. From the pass, there is a pleasant descent to reach the Salanfe dam.
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