Climb to Golettaz Pass, alt. 2466m

Duration : 3h30
Length : 9.72 km
Period : June-October
Difficulty : T3
Highest point : 2466m
Elevation gain : 637m
Vertical drop : 637m

Attractive trail climbing up the Golettaz Combe and leading to the pass that links the Salanfe basin to La Creusaz, a small ski station above Salvan Les Marecottes. Magnificent viewpoint.

From the Salanfe Inn, take the path across the top of the dam. Follow the trail going off to the right of the lake, which climbs a few metres. At the fork is the locale of Les Ottans (1), where you take the track to Golette pass which leads to the left. The trail winds its way through fields of rhododendrons. On the side of the trail, panels (2) explain the historic remnants of the old gold and arsenic mine, the second largest in Switzerland after Gondo. As you approach the pass, you will be able to see some spectacular rocky glaciers. This pass (3) links the Salanfe basin to La Creusaz, a lovely little ski station above Salvan Les Marecottes. The walk down follows the same trail to begin with, but you can then take the Lake Salanfe trail, passing by the mines (4) and the Ottans lake (5) to finally reach the trail coming down from the Emaney pass (6).

Beware: the mines are abandoned, do not enter!

Variations: you can head down to La Creusaz or to the Vallon de Van via le Scex des Granges.

Walk around the lake before or after climbing up to the pass (+ 1hr)

Golettaz Pass on Suisse Mobile


Auberge de Salanfe
Familly Fabienne et Nicolas Marclay
Case postale 7
CH-1922 Salvan

Phone +41 27 761 14 38

Altitude : 1950 m.

Swiss Grid : 563’830 / 110’460
GPS : 32T 343135 5111859


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